

  • Up to 78 million pixels on a single machine
  • Flexible and stable hardware architecture
  • CrossInt Splicing technology
  • Single machine supports up to 120 screens
  • Seamless signal mode switching


Up to 30 outputs of single machine

KS8000 stand-alone supports up to 30 DVI outputs, multi-machine cascade can achieve unlimited extension of resolution.



Flexible and stable hardware architecture

KS8000 is based on FPGA array, pure hardware architecture, adopts modular plug-in design, users can define the input and output board configuration.
KS8000 supports up to 96 input and output. Each input board is not limited to a single signal, and can be selected by the customer. A single board can support multiple types of signal mixing.
KS8000 supports multi-power redundant backup without risk of system crash.



CrossInt splicing technology


The KS8000 supports Catstar CrossInt splicing technology, which can effectively eliminate the phase difference between different splicing modules, thereby avoiding sub-pixel misalignment during picture splicing.



Single machine supports up to 120 screens

The KS8000 stand-alone supports up to 120 screen displays, which can easily complete multi-screen control and multi-screen arbitrary layout display.



Seamless signal and mode switching

The KS8000 supports broadcast-level fade-in and fade-out seamless special effects switching when switching between single-screen signals or when switching between screen layout modes. The switching process does not cause black screens or freezes.